Главная » Английский язык » My house! Быкова, Дули Английский в фокусе (Spotlight). Рабочая тетрадь. 3 класс. Ответы

My house! Быкова, Дули Английский в фокусе (Spotlight). Рабочая тетрадь. 3 класс. Ответы

Модуль 6. Тема 12: My house! Мой дом!

  1. (стр. 48)  Look and write.  Посмотри и напиши
  1. There is a glass in the cupboard.
  2. There is a book on the TV.
  3. There is a vase on the table.
  4. There is a doll under the table.
  5. There is a box on the cooker.
  6. There is a radio on the bed.

2. (cтр. 49) Find and colour. Найди и раскрась.

3. (стр. 49)  How many? Look again and write. Сколько?

Посмотри снова и напиши.

  1. There are five glasses.
  2. There is one car.
  3. There is one lamp.
  4. There are seven dishes.
  5. There are two fridges.
  6. There are three boxes.
  7. There is one cooker.

4. (стр. 49)  Read and correct. Прочитай и исправь.

  1. There are three photos under the chair.

No, there aren’t. There are two photos.

2. There’s a doll under the sofa.

No, there isn’t. There are two dolls.

3. There are two mirrors on the shelf.

No, there aren’t. There’s one mirror.

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4. There are five apples on the piano.

No, there aren’t. There are four apples.

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